Marriage Appetite
In the first 10 years of marriages women in the US happily married gain an average of 37 lbs., while those unhappily married gain 54 lbs. So choose your food and your mate wisely.
Over 6,000 Australian women were studied by Professor Annette Dobson. The 10-year weight gain for a married woman was 15 lbs if she had a partner but not a child, and 20 lbs. if she was married with a baby. Marriage is linked to increased BMI (body mass index) for men and women of all ethnic groups. In North Carolina a study found that married men and women in their early 20s gained 6-9 more pounds than single peers.
Weight gain has been studied as a way women protect themselves from unwanted sexual attention, and from fear of failure. A thin, confident woman may invite high expectations. How important is attractiveness and weight to marital happiness? Does weight gain for men or women signify power?
A heterosexual couple tend to be happier when the men are “more powerful in a benign way,” says Susan Heitler, a therapist in Denver. “The good news is there are many dimensions that symbolize power for men,” she said, adding that height, weight, earning capacity, intelligence, education level, personality, even a big smile are all empowering traits. “Those signs of bigness lead to a subconscious feeling within the woman of more security and, in turn, more marital satisfaction.”
“The emphasis on weight is an American and European value,” said Heitler. ” In Africa, weight is a sign of fertility and voluptuousness. Heavier women are prized in some cultures.”
Many couples consider dieting. A healthy body weight can help one’s overall health. How does being overweight affect the brain’s health. Scientists are finding that saturated and trans fats diminish brain volume. Another neurology finding is that fasting can help keep brains nimble and productive.
First of all, when burning calories, the brain consumes 22% of our body’s energy expenditure while we are at rest. We need plenty of dietary calories to keep the brain functioning. The human brain has developed a unique biochemical pathway that proves hugely advantageous during times of food scarcity. Unlike other mammals, our brain is able to utilize an alternative source of calories when food is scarce. Normally our brain uses glucose provided by daily foods. A steady stream of glucose keeps us functioning. If the glycogen supply is depleted (no food) our metabolism shifts and we break down protein in muscles or the liver demands that body fat create ketones which can be an efficient fuel source for the brain.

Longevity in Health
Can losing weight rejuvenate your marriage? Scientific evidence can’t prove it, but it seems that fasting can rejuvenate your health.
“I fast for greater physical and mental efficiency.” – Plato (400BC)